Summer Tips: 5 Tips For Planning Your Deck



Are you planning to build or add on to your deck this summer? If you are there are some tips you should know in the planning stages that can save you time and money. Here are just some of the tips offered in our How To: Planning A Deck guide.

  • The climate in your area and the views you’ll see are the major factors to consider when deciding where to place your deck. A north-side deck will probably be the coolest location. Southern or western orientations may be too warm in the middle of the summer, unless you include an overhead screen, or build the deck around an existing shade tree.
  • Test your ideas, measure the size you want on your lawn. Drive 4-foot stakes at the approximate corners, then tie string between them at about the height of the railings. Set your lawn furniture in the area to get an idea of how the space will work. The most common mistake people make is building a deck too small.
  • If possible, size your deck in 2-foot or 4-foot increments. You’ll have to buy standard lumber lengths anyway, and there’s no point in wasting that material when you could have a larger deck for the same amount of money.
  • Deck materials must not only be resistant to decay and insect damage, but also withstand the effects of water and sun. Standard construction lumber such as fir, pine or spruce may be treated to protect it from rot, but it won’t hold up under extreme weather conditions or the ultraviolet rays in sunlight.
  • Once you have a rough idea, draw two sketches – one of your lot, showing the deck as part of your landscaping plan, and one of your design. Use graph paper, making each square equal a given dimension to get all the components to scale. Bring the sketch to Millard, and ask one of our salespeople to estimate and price the materials you’ll need. We also offer services like measurement verification and estimates for your convenience.

To see the entire How To: Planning a Deck click here. For deck inspiration visit our Decking Pinterest board.